Land Camp May 2022

During Mathew Halton High School’s Experiential Learning Week in May 2022, 20 students from Grades 7 through 11 participated in Livingstone Range School Division's inaugural Land Camp in Castle Wilderness Provincial Park.
The beauty of the park was undeniable as the snow had just melted and spring was returning to the valley. Immersed in this stunning backdrop, students experienced a variety of outdoor activities while taking part in traditional ceremonies and learning. The group was fortunate to have several Elders and Knowledge Keepers share their stories and cultural history with the group while on the land. Students took part in a tipi raising, canoeing, hiking, traditional games, built miniature replicas of birch bark canoes and fireside cookouts. They also learned about and participated in traditional medicine, smudging, spirit plates, tobacco offerings, traditional stories and had opportunities each night to reflect upon their learning.
During this week-long immersive experience led by Place-Based Learning Supervisors Jason Clifton and Joel Gamache, students created memories and learning that will last a lifetime. In the years to come, the Division will work closely with our Elders to build upon the Land Cingamp, expand the experience for our students. We are grateful for all of the individuals and organizations that contributed to making our first Land Camp so impactful and meaningful.